From 12 – 15 February 2020, the “Place To Be” for the international organic sector is Exhibition Centre Nuremberg, when BIOFACH, the World’s Leading Trade Fair for Organic Food, opens its doors again. The annual start-of-year gathering for the sector is set to welcome some 3,500 exhibitors from around 100 countries.
NürnbergMesse has proven expertise in the field of organic foodstuffs. In February every year, the international organic sector gathers in Nuremberg at BIOFACH, the World’s Leading Trade Fair for Organic Food. The comprehensive range of certified organic products on display shows their diversity – from fresh products like dairy and cheese, fruit, vegetables, dry products like rice, grains and pulses, nuts and confectionery to beverages. The international patron of BIOFACH is IFOAM – Organics International, while the national supporting organization is the German Federation of Organic Food Producers (BÖLW). An integral part of this world-leading fair is the BIOFACH Congress, a knowledge-sharing platform that is unique worldwide. With another six BIOFACH events in China, India, Japan, South America, Thailand and the USA, BIOFACH World has a global presence. Year after year, it brings together more than 4,500 exhibitors and 150,000 trade visitors.

Lotus Rice will once again welcome you at the Lotus Rice stand in Nuremberg, Germany with ORGANIC RICE brand - ECOBA. “ECOBA,” - mean ECO BALANCE - with the goal and the desire to bring consumers the best, environmentally friendly products without the use of chemicals to cultivate. By using “Rice – Shrimp” Shrimp – Rice” rotation modelrotating between shrimp and rice farming, the soil is able to rejuvenate, there’s less pressure on the environment water ecosystem and farmers are better to increase diversify their incomes. This farming method not only produces better quality rice but also preserves, even enhances the region’s biodiversity -- which is better for the land and the people who depend on it.
ECOBA Rice contains amino acids, iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, Vitamin B1 and B2. It is also a good Anti-Oxidant. Low Fat, Saturated Fat Free, Source of Fibre, Sugar Free, Salt Free.
ECOBA Rice is certified organic by the European Union, the USDA and the Japanese Agricultural Standard, three bodies that set the world’s most rigorous import standards.